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Welcome to the website of Grace Bible Church of Chico. We are thankful you're here.

Grace Bible Church of Chico was founded in 2008 by a group of believers who came together to pray and to establish a Reformed Baptist church in the Chico, Ca area.



Committed to the Bible
First, we are committed to the Bible, God’s inerrant and infallible word, as the final authority for faith and life. We view the faithful preaching (and hearing) of God’s Word as essential to growth in the Christian life. We are committed to expository preaching.


Committed to the Reformed Faith
Second, we are committed to the Reformed faith, as set forth in the historic  London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689 and The New Hampshire Baptist Confession. These are well known Protestant statements of faith. The doctrines of grace of our Confession are beloved to Reformed Christians because they are biblical and emphasize the sovereignty of God in salvation. “God saves sinners” is the rich motto of the Reformed faith.


Committed to the Great Commission
Third,' holding fast without wavering' means that we are committed to the Great Commission, and so we support  missionaries and evangelists at home and abroad. We are determined to be faithful in doing and supporting the work of evangelism here and around the world. 


Committed to Christian Fellowship
Fourth, we are committed to the biblical teaching on the communion of saints. As a church we seek to foster real Christian fellowship, mutual concern, and love in the life of the congregation.


Programs and committees are no substitute for holy and compassionate relationships. We aim to be what God calls his people to be: a family — naturally and practically caring for one another and discipling one another in the good times and the bad. Our goal, then, is to be a loving community of believers in Christ, truly committed to one another.


Committed to God-Sent Revival
Finally, like our forebears, we believe that the only hope for the world is in the spiritual regeneration of souls wrought by God through Jesus Christ, and so we fervently pray for God-sent revival in our lives, our church, our city, and our land.


Is to make disciples of all the nations


We preach Christ and Him Crucified.


We live for the Glory of God and for the building up of the body of Christ

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